30th 2003f May, 2003


Posted by Kim in Family at 11:24 pm | Permanent Link

The weather held another day and it was round to my Mum and Dads after
work for the first bbq of the year. They had taken Megan for a walk
along the canal earlier on and she had collected some flowers for the
table…very nice. We stuffed ourselves, then relaxed in the garden
for the evening..a very pleasant end to the week.

Well the first housemate is out…Anouska is outta there..eleven to go.
Just been watching the aftermath and the ones who nominated her seem to
be the most upset…of course because they can’t discuss the nominations
they will be feeling it’s down to them alone that she has been voted out.
What nasty mind games this show plays with your mind.

And if you just have to have the Big Brother house look in your home, just
pop along to the BB4 website for further details!!

One Response to “BBQ”

  1. mike Says:

    Playing mind games with your mind? Not your feet? or Knees?

    Sorry Kim, I couldn’t resist 😉