Happy Birthday Sue
Posted by Kim in Family at 9:24 pm | 
Have a very Happy Birthday Love and kisses and stuff Kim, Steve & big hugs from Megan xxxxx
Have a very Happy Birthday Love and kisses and stuff Kim, Steve & big hugs from Megan xxxxx
Happy Father’s Day Dad(s) Love and hugs and stuff Kim and Megan xxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday to you!!! Have a great day. See you later. Love Kim, Steve & Megan xxxxxxx
Megan took part in her first Irish Dance Competition today and was fantastic (sorry, proud parent moment!!) She was awarded 3rd in her first dance, two 2nds and 2nd in her Trophy dance. Well done Megan, we are very very proud of you xxxx
Happy Birthday Connor Have a great party tomorrow Love Kim, Steve & Megan xxxxx
Have a very Happy Birthday Meggie-Moo Hope all your wishes come true Love and lots and lots of hugs Mum xxxxx
Happy Birthday to Yoooouuuuuuu!!!!!! Have a great day….put those feet up…..veg out with a good book See u later Love Kim, steve and big big hugs from Megan xxxxxx
Hope all your dreams came true…… (Here’s to the ‘naughty 40s’) Love u Kim and Megan xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you had a “magical” birthday love Kim, Steve & Megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx