10th 2003f July, 2003

Chinese Banquet

Posted by Kim in Fun at 9:03 pm | Permanent Link

Megan had a special night at Rainbows tonight. They started
off the night with a chinese banquet, which according to Meg
consisted of rice, prawn crackers and some fishie things.
Then she went with her cousin Bekki into the Brownies to see
some “real life owls”. All I’ve managed to get out of her
about them is that they were weeing alot! Anyway she had a
great night.

They want volunteers to go to the fire station with them in
September…I think I can manage that 😉

3 Responses to “Chinese Banquet”

  1. Jackie Says:

    Bekki said the owl were ‘really cool’. She said they ‘pooped’ too. Kids are digusting!!!!
    Take care and enjoy your weekend. xx

  2. Jackie Says:

    Sorry OWLS – you know what I meant.

  3. paula Says:

    hi Kim..it was great to see you and Meg at Jans yesterday ,you are looking really well..see you soon
    ;-)(oh and yes it is really Paula lol)