28th 2003f July, 2003

I’m Back

Posted by Kim in General at 9:47 pm | Permanent Link

Sorry for the temporary disappearance…things to do, you know how
it is.

Firstly, Happy Birthday to my Mum for last Thursday, hope you had
a good day and all your wishes came true. We had one slight problem
though. Megan insists on a birthday cake for everyone…it’s just
not a birthday without one. But everyone has now given up smoking
which makes it rather difficult to light the candles…after much
searching we did eventually find some matches…pics to follow.

Went to the carnival on Saturday. Megan had a great day..apart from
the mini waltzers…she went a very peculiar colour and her eyes were
nearly popping out of her head. Then she made the fatal mistake of
closing her eyes…not good…she won’t be going on those again.

She went swimming with her Daddy again on Sunday. She is doing
brilliantly..she’s starting to swim without her armbands now…
well done Meg I’m very proud of you.

POP QUIZ: Which is the only animal that can’t jump?

I’ll leave you with that one…answers on a postcard…just
kidding, tell you tomorrow, if I remember.

2 Responses to “I’m Back”

  1. paula Says:

    good to see you back Kim..;-)a little too early for me to answer the question though..lol..see you soon..;-)

  2. jamie Says:

    hi kim
    so…what IS the answer?
    see you soon