19th 2003f May, 2003

Not Again

Posted by Kim in Family at 10:49 pm | Permanent Link

Megan has topped herself…when I picked her up from school today she had fresh
plasters on both knees…she has managed to fall over and remove the skin from
her knees before the previous scab has healed. I am unsure as to the degree
of damage this time because she would not take the plasters off yet, but
judging from the amount of blood on the plasters the prognosis is not good….
will fill you in tomorrow.

2 Responses to “Not Again”

  1. jan Says:

    Poor Meg, should she start wearing knee pads to school? 😉

  2. kim Says:

    might have to consider that as a serious option after tonight’s
    performance with the plasters 🙂