It’s the Weekend
Posted by Kim in Family at 10:45 pm | 
Started off the weekend with a fun night out last night…I got a
little drunk, but no hangover this morning. I’m just tired, can’t
cope with late nights, well early mornings anymore.
We did a little shopping and then popped into Jan’s. Jamie got a
swingball today and we started off supervising Megan and Jamie…
Megan has a habit of following the ball round and causing bodily
harm to whoever she is playing with, unintentionally of course 🙂
The kids soon got bored of playing and the adults were left to play,
well someone should make good use of the new toy!
Megan watered her plants tonight…well the plants and herself as
per usual.
Ah well time for bed. Apparently the average person falls asleep
in seven minutes, I think I can beat that tonight.