Things R Hotting Up
Posted by Kim in General at 9:38 pm | 
Been enjoying the summer weather this week. Not the weather to
be in work though, especially with no air conditioning. We had
fans strategically placed throughout the office which did little
more than blow paper around everyones desks.
The only bad side to the good weather was the increased invasion
of the killer wasps…managed to sqwish one completely this week.
Carole wasn’t too happy…her file and her desk…sorry had to be
On a completely different topic, I can’t get into Big Brother USA.
I thought it would be more entertaining than our version, but all
they seem to do is talk about evictions. They don’t seem to be
taking the time to enjoy the experience of being in the house
they’re too busy scheming. Unless of course this again is what
we are being led to believe by the footage we are being “allowed”
to see. Although I must admit the challenges have been more
entertaining than the British BB4 and I’ll probably keep watching.