16th 2003f September, 2003

Harry Potter

Posted by Kim in General at 9:46 pm | Permanent Link

Must get round to reading The Order of the Phoenix again. I was
in such a rush to get it read before anyone gave away the plot
that I must have missed alot.

Apparently there has been a pirate copy of the book recently
released in Venezuela translating it into Spanish. Unfortunately
the person translating the book couldn’t actually understand
English very well and he actually includes an apology in the book
for his dodgy translation.

At one point in the book it warns “here comes something that I am
unable to translate, sorry” and “You gave him the old one-two (I’m
sorry I didn’t understand what that meant”. You would definitely
need to use your imagination when reading this version of the book
to fill in the blanks left by the translation!!

Only nine months until the third film is released, June 2004. And
filming of Goblet of Fire is due to start early next year. The
Director has been secured, Mike Newell (Four Weddings and a Funeral)
but Harry, Ron and Hermione have yet to be confirmed…apparently
they’re getting on a bit now!!

2 Responses to “Harry Potter”

  1. Grant Says:

    start a new website without “k”s

  2. Grant Says:

    if any ?s e-mail me