Where’s it going
Posted by Kim in General at 8:27 pm | 
Well that’s another week gone and as I keep being reminded Christmas
is nearly here.
I must admit I bought my first Christmas present
today, probably the earliest I’ve ever bought one. It was off the
book salesman that comes into work…they have some really good
bargains so you have to get them when you can…that’s my excuse
and I’m sticking to it 😉
Oh and David’s still in his box…being constantly baited with
food. A model helicopter with a hamburger attached to it was
flown round his box earlier this week, as well as people grilling
food below his box to tempt him.
A man was also arrested for attempting to cut off his water supply.
Is it just me or are we really letting ourselves down as a nation.
People can’t just go down and be supportive they have to be
destructive. Maybe it’s just that this is the sort of news the
British press reports and that this behaviour also happened in his
American stunts…it still makes me feel ashamed to be British.