27th 2004f January, 2004

Penguin Swing Game

Posted by Kim in Penguin Swing at 4:24 pm | Permanent Link

Click on the pic to try a bit of Pingu bashing…….

The score to beat seems to be 323.5.

8 Responses to “Penguin Swing Game”

  1. allen gilreath Says:

    in study hall at our freshmen campus this is what weve been playin and the best weve done so far is 687.1

  2. allen gilreath Says:

    in study hall at our freshmen campus this is what weve been playin and the best weve done so far is 687.1

  3. Czar Says:

    In Orginal game top score you can get is. 324.1 so far.

  4. gomez the fag Says:

    i got 323.5 and i played this game for 6 hours straihgt there is no way ot get 687.1 cockblock.

  5. david Says:


  6. elephant flamer Says:

    i got 353.5 if u dont belive me just ask for a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. evil666 Says:

    i got 323.8, took me ages to get it right, but i got it! oh and 687.1 wot a load of shite!

  8. Bob Says:

    i played this game i dont know what version but i got about 566. something..