I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here
Posted by Kim in Fun at 5:50 pm | 
We’ve done it again…got ourselves hooked on yet another reality
tv show..we really must get out more. In saying that daytime tv
isn’t actually giving it alot of competition.
I must admit I’ve been impressed with their performances on the
bush tucker trials, I expected the success rate to be a lot lower
especially when Jordan and Kerry had to eat bugs.
Jordan and Peters’ antics have been the highlight this year. It
seems to me that she’s playing him like a lovesick puppy. Make
a good story to sell to the press when she gets out..don’t you
Jordan’s boyfriend, Scott, is apparently on the next plane out
there to “punch his lights out”. He is blaming Peter entirely
for the goings on…and who can blame him what with Jordan being
such an innocent, shy, retiring girl!!