Penguin Swing 2 – Orca Slap Flash Game
Posted by Kim in Penguin Swing at 4:18 pm | 
The sequel to Penguin Swing has arrived. Click on the picture for some more penguin slapping fun
The sequel to Penguin Swing has arrived. Click on the picture for some more penguin slapping fun
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Hope you all have a day filled with love.
Megan has discovered Scooby Doo. She giggles her way through every episode and thinks it’s even more amusing that her Mummy and Daddy used to watch it when they were her age. Scooby Doo is 35 years old this year with the first episode being screened in September 1969. The old “classics” really do stand […]
A survey has revealed that Britain’s favorite whiff is bread. Iceland surveyed 1,000 customers and the top ten smells were:- 1. bread 2. frying bacon 3. coffee 4. ironing 5. cut grass 6. babies 7. the sea 8. real Christmas trees 9. perfume 10. fish and chips wot no chocolate………just me then
Classes Tonight – Please Sign Up Classes for men at our local Learning Center for Adults – Sign-up by Jan. 30th NOTE: Due to the complexity and difficulty level of their content, each course will accept a maximum of 8 participants. TOPIC 1 HOW TO FILL UP THE ICE CUBE TRAYS Step by step, with […]
How well do you know Disney’s animal characters? Click on the picture below and see how many you can name…
It’s official, John Lydon quit jungle life at 12:30 local time (2:30 UK.) As of yet ITV are refusing to confirm the reason why and speculation is rife. Jordan’s boyfriend has now arrived in Australia and is apparently planning to break into camp and stake his claim. Perhaps he should watch yesterday’s programme before he […]
The following are all genuine replies that British women have put on Child Support Agency forms in the section for listing father’s details: 1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, child A was fathered by Jim Munson. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of child B, but I […]
We’ve done it again…got ourselves hooked on yet another reality tv show..we really must get out more. In saying that daytime tv isn’t actually giving it alot of competition. I must admit I’ve been impressed with their performances on the bush tucker trials, I expected the success rate to be a lot lower especially when […]
Told you it was addictive…can’t beat the 323.5 record though try as I might. Steve on the other hand would not be beaten…he browsed…he found…and he conquered… click on the pic to see how he did it.