Penguin Swing 4 – Albatros Overload
Posted by Kim in Penguin Swing at 12:00 am | 
Another addictive penguin game for you to get hooked on…. click on the pic to play
Another addictive penguin game for you to get hooked on…. click on the pic to play
You’ve got to try this one, very very addictive…. I’m off for some more…
I am borrowing a brand new Corsa at the moment and noticed that there are no ashtrays in the car at all. There’s an adapter port for plugging in your tv, phone, etc…..but no lighter. Another strike for the anti smoking campaigners….or is this in preparation for when smoking is banned whilst driving?
* I can’t reach my license unless you hold my beer. * Sorry, Officer, I didn’t realize my radar detector wasn’t plugged in. * Aren’t you the guy from the Village People? * I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer. * Bad cop! No doughnut! * […]
What a difference a bit of sunshine makes. We’ve had wonderful weather this weekend. I managed to get the garden tidied up. I hate doing the first grass cut of the year, but it looks great when it’s done. Meg got some planting done, she’s very enthusiastic at the moment rushing home to water them […]
An airplane mechanic invented Slinky while he was playing with engine parts and realized the possible secondary use for the springs. Get “playing” Dad you could make enough to buy that campervan
Found this site on my internet travels…. Raises the question…….why?????
A 13-year-old boy spent about $2 million from a school computer buying a helicopter, a jet and other items over the Internet using a password belonging to a friend’s mother. The woman discovered the purchases the day the helicopter’s owner called and asked how she intended to pay for the aircraft. She is having the […]
I am emmantal cheese apparently! Click on the pic to find out what type of cheese you are
I’ve had a few problems over the last month with servers going down and the like…..but I’m back now with my own domain and a new look to boot! A big thank you to Mike for hosting my blog to date and for all your help and assistance xx And a big thank you to […]