Which Johnny Depp Are You?
Posted by Kim in Games at 10:02 pm | 
Click on the pic to take this little quiz to find out which Johnny Depp you are….
Click on the pic to take this little quiz to find out which Johnny Depp you are….
And yet another way to waste a few minutes of your life on….. click on the pic to play
A little favourite from my childhood…… You need the Flash 5 plugin to play this game. To play again refresh the page.
As anyone who knows me knows I enjoy reading or watching a good murder mystery, especially the forensic side. I’ve discovered the CSI pc game….it’s brilliant…good graphics, understandable tutorial…I’ve already solved my first crime! …….well I’m off to solve my next case
You’ve got to try this one, very very addictive…. I’m off for some more…
and the answer is…… “She mashed the potatoes and used a spoon. “
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, and the only food she had for her ten children was six potatoes. How did she make sure that each child had an equal share? Answer to follow shortly….