13th 2004f January, 2004
Peter Kay’s Bundle of Joy
Posted by Kim in Fun at 4:11 pm | 
Peter Kay’s a Daddy…awwwwwwww!!
Little Charlie Michael arrived last night weighing 7lbs 3oz
…”Mother and baby are both, thankfully, doing very well”
So begins a new life….and plenty of new material for his
next show!
The 15th 2004f January, 2004 at 8:15 pm
hiya kim dya mmind if i nick ur pic
thank u !!!!!!!!!
x x x x x x x x x x
The 16th 2004f January, 2004 at 5:36 pm
no probs, nick away
The 9th 2006f May, 2006 at 6:27 pm
ya baby is well cute n am a big fan av got like evrythin
u av dun
The 10th 2006f May, 2006 at 2:57 pm
is there any more on the way
that wud b well cute ….
orrrr . am a regular visiter 2 da site n i
The 22nd 2006f May, 2006 at 9:57 am
hiya i am a big fan and your baby is sooooo cute
The 13th 2006f June, 2006 at 7:11 pm
hi pete
The 15th 2006f June, 2006 at 11:19 am
Hi pete, My little boys name is Charlie aswell, and he was born in June 2004. Im a huge fan!!
The 15th 2006f June, 2006 at 11:21 am
Hi pete,
My Charlie has a fractured arm and has a lovely plaster on it. I bet your bao is into all sorts now.
I think your work is brilliant. Never laughed so much.
Very talented.
When have you got a new stand up tour?
The 1st 2006f September, 2006 at 8:33 pm
Awe Peter Kay mate i’m so proud of you being Charlie Michael’s Daddy
this picture of you with your son is sooo sweet, awe bless his little cotton socks, i bet he takes after you, is he funny & cheeky like you are to me. oh 1 thing Peter Kay mate don’t you dare to encourage your own son to swear, cause i don’t want him copying your swear words
see you soon down here if you do any tours
i love you Peter Kay mate
from Sue
send my love to your son Charlie from Auntie Sue & Uncle Ian
The 29th 2006f October, 2006 at 5:59 pm
Peter Kay mate it’s me again your best mate Sue
What a gorge baby son you have, my Ian says hi to you, he thinks your baby’s lovely. Ian & I have heard you & Susan has a 2nd son called
Finlay James is that right? Like i said see you down here if you do any tours as my niece Bec will take me to see you, Ian 2 has said he will come with Mattie & my Ian to see you as well. I’ll tell him on Thursday when he brings my Ian here. I hear your coming to the Reebok Stadium to do another tour there is that right as well? & yes i will watch you on
Paul O Grady’s show on Wednesday the 27th of December.
oh well see you on Saturday the 4th of November at your tour with Bec, Ian 2, Mattie & my Ian we all look forward to seeing you.
Will you keep in touch with me please matey
love you Peter Kay bezzie mate 4eva
from Sue, Ian, Ian 2, Mattie & Bec
tell your 2 sons Auntie Sue, Uncle Ian, Uncle Ian 2, Uncle Mattie & cousin Bec is asking after them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The 1st 2006f November, 2006 at 2:25 pm
That will dinkdankdoo for peter kay
The 12th 2007f January, 2007 at 10:01 pm
awwwwww the pic of u wid ya son charlie is soooooo cute! huge fans of ya mate! hope ur son follows in ur footsteps and grows up to be just like his daddy!! chat soon mate!!! toodlytoo for now X 🙂 buhbye!! ~x~
The 20th 2007f March, 2007 at 11:22 am
Like ya babby. Loved ya book. Congrats
PaigeX Hull
The 2nd 2007f April, 2007 at 5:35 pm
that baby is so sweet he looks like hnis mother
The 7th 2007f April, 2007 at 8:06 pm
aww 🙂 he is so cte n peter i hink ur the funnies person ever x
The 20th 2007f April, 2007 at 10:01 pm
hey!!! omg!!
i luv ya!!
read ur book!!
twas brill!!
ur baby’s real cute!
ur soooooo funi!!
will be watchin phoenix nites l8a!!
luvs it!!
The 30th 2007f April, 2007 at 2:06 pm
hello peter kay,
i am 13 years old and my whole family loves your comady, we have most of ur dvd’s.
i am at south wirral high school right now doin about my hero which is u!
i am finding out about you and your family!!!
plz keep up all ur wounderful comedy an plz can u try and do a show in the wirral? all of my family would come 2 watch!
thank you 4 ur tym xxx
The 7th 2007f May, 2007 at 2:29 pm
awwwwww he is really sweet – bet he looks like his daddy – awwww
love from jen – by the way – ur book is top – i am reading it now – up to he bit when you were working at the supermarket and what you did to mr.tickle lol – really funny xxxxxxxxxx
The 18th 2007f May, 2007 at 3:03 pm
hi nice baby
The 23rd 2007f August, 2007 at 1:39 pm
Does he like chesecake you dont do you Peter? awwww cute baby you both should be proud.
The 2nd 2007f November, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Hi! Your baby is soooo cute!!!!
I love your work Peter. IM A HUGE FAN. My favourite show of yours is in The Bolton Albert Halls. I have never laughed so much in my life.
The 22nd 2007f December, 2007 at 5:21 pm
congratulations to peter and wifey,georgeous baby!
The 16th 2008f February, 2008 at 9:22 pm
i am 12 and i thought the shows at blackpool tower and bolton were dead funny. i hope you and your family are very happy and baby charlie will grow up to be a comedian too.