Badly Fitted
Posted by Kim in General at 10:30 pm | 
I had to take Megan back to the shoe shop this afternoon, her new shoes had
rubbed her big toe to the point of bleeding. The woman in the shop was fuming,
she showed me that the shoe was actually too small across the width and Megan’s
small toe was actually pushing out the side of the shoe and should have had a
blister on it too. Her feet were re-measured and we were given a width bigger.
I was told that this was the fourth pair back this week due to being wrongly
fitted by the same assistant. Now I nearly didn’t take her back, I thought she
just had soft feet like me…so how many children are walking round in shoes that
were fitted wrongly by this Clarks approved shop.
My unusual fact for this week…staying on the topic of feet…is that butterflies
taste through their feet, not good if you stand on something nasty!!