18th 2003f November, 2003
Happy 75th Birthday Mickey
Posted by Kim in General at 4:06 pm | 
On 18th of November 1928 Steamboat Mickey was released and
the most famous icon in the world was born.
In 1929 he uttered his first words “Hot dogs..Hot dogs”.
On the 23rd of February 1935 Mickey starred in his first
colour cartoon and changed to the modern Mickey character
in November 1939. He has starred in over 100 cartoons and
In November 2004 Mickey goes 3D when the computer
generated imagery animation film “Twice Upon a Christmas”
will be released.
What a transformation!!
The 18th 2003f November, 2003 at 11:00 pm
Kool site
The 6th 2008f October, 2008 at 10:17 am