Let it Snow
Posted by Kim in Fun at 7:44 pm | 
Megan was ecstatic this morning when the promised snow actually arrived…..and she finally got to build another snowman…..
Megan was ecstatic this morning when the promised snow actually arrived…..and she finally got to build another snowman…..
Official figures realeased this month confirmed that we have become a nation of text addicts We sent 20.5 billion messages last year (the equivalent of 55 million every day), a twentyfold increase in five years. Experts say the figure will reach 23 billion this year. Texts overtook phone calls as the favoured means of contacting […]
Click on the pic to try a bit of Pingu bashing……. The score to beat seems to be 323.5.
After being “no gutsed” by Steve, I treated myself to a new toy this weekend… For anyone hesitating about upgrading from the Game Boy Advance to the Advance SP dither no more. The SP is far superior to the Advance and well worth the outlay. The 2.9 TFT reflective screen, although comparing the specs is […]
A language teacher was explaining to her class that in French, unlike their English counterparts, nouns are grammatically designated as masculine or feminine. “House” in French, is feminine-“la maison” “Pencil” in French, is masculine-“le crayon” One puzzled student asked, “What gender is computer?” The teacher did not know, and the word was not in her […]
Steve is constantly moaning about the state of the buses he drives, but it could be worse…………
Can’t put my finger on it but I’m sure this reminds me of someone…….
Another winner for Mr Curtis. Got 10 minutes into it before Steve asked me to start it again. Any film that tears Mr Jackson away from his beloved computer…must be good Very briefly the film follows several couples dealing with different aspects of love and relationships. I did begin to wonder sometime whether we were […]
Peter Kay’s a Daddy…awwwwwwww!! Little Charlie Michael arrived last night weighing 7lbs 3oz …”Mother and baby are both, thankfully, doing very well” So begins a new life….and plenty of new material for his next show!
A man in Wisconsin is suing a cable TV firm claiming they turned him into a telly addict, his kids into couch potatoes and made his wife fat. Huh? I hear you say…. Well apparently when he tried to cancel his service, the cable company gave him free access for FOUR YEARS…yes they actually had […]