25th 2005f March, 2005

Taxman Targets Ebay

Posted by Kim in General at 1:47 pm | Permanent Link

People selling goods on the internet site eBay are being targeted
the taxman.

Inland Revenue bosses fear they are being cheated out of
thousands of pounds by people profiting from off-loading
goods on the online auction house.

Officials have demanded eBay hand over sales records and plan
to target anyone flogging more than 60 ITEMS in a tax year.
Anyone receiving more than £6,000 a year from selling goods
will soon find themselves in the spotlight. An Inland Revenue
spokeswoman said: “People who just want to sell a couple of
times are fine. But those who are using it as point of trading
will be classified as a business liable for tax.”

Some people just take the fun out of everything!

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