1st Holy Communion
Posted by Kim in Family at 11:01 pm | 
Megan took her 1st Holy Communion today… she looked absolutely beautiful…. ….and made us very proud.
Megan took her 1st Holy Communion today… she looked absolutely beautiful…. ….and made us very proud.
Click on Jar Jar and see how many Star Wars characters you can name…. …..answers to follow shortly.
Can you remember which Star War movies these events happened in? Click on Yoda to test your knowledge.
Happy Birthday Hev Have a great birthday See you later Love Kim, Steve & lots of hugs from Megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday to Yoooouuuuuu!! Have a great day, don’t work to hard See you later Love and stuff Kim, Steve and big hugs from Megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you have a weak stomach, then don’t read any further……. This is a picture of the demise of a suicide jumper, taken shortly after he landed. It shows him with his insides now on the outside. Click here to see the look of horror on the faces of the bystanders.
Have a very Happy 1st Birthday Millie Lots of hugs and kisses Kim, Steve & big, big hugs from Megan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday Pete Have a great day Love Kim, Steve & Megan xxx
Here are some famous last words…… “It’s a dud! It’s a dud! It’s a du…”. “What does this button do?” “Are you sure the power is off?” “Wheeeeeeeeee!” “Pull the pin and count to what?” “I wonder where the mother bear is.” “look ma! no hands!” “Let’s split up, we’ll cover more ground.” “I dunno, […]