Which ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Character Are You?
Posted by Kim in Quiz at 4:48 pm | 
Click here to find out…
Click here to find out…
So how many did you get click here to find out.
How big a Johnny Depp fan are you?? Let’s see……..click on the pic below and see how many of his films you can name
Well we’re into the sixth series of Big Brother and some of us are now glued to the tv. Take this little quiz to see how much you can remember from the last five series…..just click on the eye….
The character quiz answers have arrived from a galaxy far far away. Just click on the pic…..
Click on Jar Jar and see how many Star Wars characters you can name…. …..answers to follow shortly.
Can you remember which Star War movies these events happened in? Click on Yoda to test your knowledge.
How closely were you watching Captain Sparrow? Take the following quiz and find out….. Click hereto find out which Johnny Depp you are!! New Johnny Depp quiz…click on the pic to play
Got some time to kill…try this simple but addictive game. Click here to play……my best so far is 0.19
My Gallery is back……along with a couple of Disney quizzes…..have fun!